Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How could we have helped this departing professor?

There is another side to this story we do not know. An English professor enumerates the reasons she is leaving the professoriate. Many of her reasons circle around the idea of a broken system.

We do not know who she is or anything about her institution or her experience. We do know that no one sided explanation is ever sufficient. 

To what degree is it her, and to what degree is it really the culture of her institution or the larger system of higher education? I do not know.

I want to do whatever lies in my power to help the culture of higher education not do this to people. If they do it to themselves, it's on them. But here again, no one-sided explanations. 

What can we do to correct the institutional side of whatever leads to this kind of disaffection and bitterness?

My bias is that finding the right person or group to blame will not help. The solution will have something to do with building trusting relationships in which genuine communication can happen. 

(I do know I'm a pollyanna, by the way.)

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