Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Wannabe U?

I ordered Wannabe U, by Gaye Tuchman yesterday. I suspect the academic blogosphere will be alight with it shortly, and I don't want to miss the party.

I'm curious whether Tuchman has a constructive proposal that could help us negotiate higher education inside and outside the academy if next year does not turn out to be 1910. I'm hoping the book is more than an articulate rant about those awful administrators who persecute innocent professors. (Administrators rant about awful professors too, of course, but rarely in book form.)

In my fantasy world, it would be possible to form a real partnership between administrators and faculty that allows each to contribute what they can to the thriving of the institution and the public good.

If such a fantasy is to be reality, we're all going to have to calm our anxieties and do less ranting and more listening.

We'll see what Prof. Tuchman has to say.

1 comment:

  1. Have you ever read "Leading with a Limp" by Dan Allender? He's the president of Mars Hill Grad School and uses allot of examples from his experiences there.

    Renee Guth
